Easter Week: Here Are “10 Worship Songs for Your Holy Week Playlist”

As Easter approaches, it is good to take some time and reflect on what happened during the week leading up to it, and what it means for us as Christians.

One thing that can help us as we reflect on Holy Week is listening to worship music. There are some beautiful songs that have been written that remind us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, and the hope we have in the resurrection. These songs provide such a great backdrop as we prepare to celebrate our Savior.

Here is a playlist of 10 songs to listen to for Holy Week:

1. “This Man” — Jeremy Camp

This song has some of the most powerful lyrics.

Would you take the place of this man
Would you take the nails from his hands

Imagine the suffering and the pain that Jesus went through. It gives us such a powerful perspective to consider. Can we even begin to grasp what He went through? Would we even consider trying to take his place?

No one else could have accomplished what Jesus came to do. He was the only one who could save us. It shows the depth of His love, that He came and died such a cruel death for us.

2. “Love Never Fails” — Amanda Lindsey Cook

As the title of this song shows, the love of Jesus will never fail us. He came to earth, became human, and willingly gave his life so that we could have a relationship with Him. His love always comes through for us. Anything else will fail us at some point. In the time when we needed it most, Jesus sacrificed himself for the redemption of our sins.

Oh Your love will never fail me

We can be confident that His love will never fail us. He is always faithful.

3. “Famous For (I Believe)” — Tauren Wells and Jenn Johnson

Nothing can match the power of our Lord Jesus. He always makes a way, even when it seems like there is no way at all. As this song says, it is what He is “famous for.”

Make way through the waters
Walk me through the fire
Do what you are famous for
What you are famous for

Shut the mouths of lions
Bring dry bones to life and
Do what you are famous for
What you are famous for

Even when it seemed like the cross would be the end, it wasn’t. Our God made a way.

4. “My Victory” — David Crowder

At first, the cross seems like it is the end, but it is only the beginning.

As we learn in the chorus, the cross means victory for those of us in Jesus.

Oh, Your love bled for me
Oh, Your blood in crimson streams
Oh, Your death is hell’s defeat
A cross meant to kill is my victory

What we think should be defeat, is actually a victory. Jesus takes something so gruesome like the cross and turns it into a beautiful sacrifice that He makes on our behalf.

5. “Break Every Chain” — Tasha Cobbs Leonard

There is power in the name of Jesus, the power to break chains. As this song says:

There is power in the name of Jesus
There is power in the name of Jesus
Say there is power in the name of Jesus (come on)
To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain (yeah)
To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain

Jesus, our Savior who gave his life for us, is now lifted up and glorified. He has defeated sin and death, and now we live because He does. Everything has been put under His authority. As we declare His name, we are affirming His lordship over our lives. His name has power because of who He is. The power to set us free.

Great is the name of Jesus, and we can have confidence in it. Jesus is Lord over everything.

6. “The Wonderful Cross” — Shane and Shane

Originally sung by Chris Tomlin, this song reminds us that we can truly live because of the cross.

O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live
O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross
All who gather here by grace draw near and bless Your name

What a wonderful picture of what the cross is for us. Something that can have “sorrow and love” meet so beautifully as the song points out. May we truly choose to die to our sin, so we can have life because of Jesus.

7. “Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus” — Carrie Underwood

This beautiful song has been around since 1876 and was written by a Baptist minister named Robert Lowry. Carrie Underwood has included it in an album that she has just released.

What can wash away my sin
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

We are made clean by the blood that Jesus shed for us. Nothing else would have been good enough. Our righteousness is completely because of Him. His blood covers all of our sins.

8. “How Can It Be” — Lauren Daigle

What Jesus has done for us can seem too good to be true.

You plead my cause, You right my wrongs
You break my chains, You overcome
You gave Your life to give me mine
You say that I am free, how can it be? Yeah
How can it be?

The love of Jesus is so great, it is beyond our comprehension. His goodness and faithfulness make us literally ask, “how can it be?” Praise Jesus for the grace and hope he gives us.

9. “At The Cross (Love Ran Red)” — Chris Tomlin

The cross is where “streams of grace flow deep and wide, and “my heart has peace with God and forgiveness.” All of this is lavishly poured out on us. We are saved.

This causes us to say:

Here my hope is found
Here on holy ground
Here I bow down
Here I bow down

Here arms open wide
Here You saved my life
Here I bow down
Here I bow….

Jesus is worthy of our praise. He has given everything for us, even His own life. This should cause us to “bow down” and willingly submit our lives over to Him. We would have nothing if it were not for Him.

10. “You’re Beautiful” — Phil Wickham

This song reminds us of how beautiful our Savior is. He was the creator of the world, everything shows His glory, and yet He died for us. Someday we will be with him, as this song says:

When we arrive at eternity’s shore
Where death is just a memory and tears are no more
We’ll enter in as the wedding bells ring
Your bride will come together and we’ll sing
You’re beautiful

What a glorious day that will be. We will see our Savior face to face, and be with Him forever.

These songs are a wonderful soundtrack to listen to as we approach the day we celebrate our risen Savior. As we listen, may it help us remember the hope we have in Jesus. May we be able to understand what the cross means for each of us, and may it give us the motivation we need to continue to live for Him.

Happy Easter!

headshot of author Becky Weber

Becky Weber is a wife and mom to 4 kids. She loves to write and speak. She is a pastor’s wife in Sioux Falls, SD where her husband Adam is the lead pastor of Embrace Church. Her passion is to encourage others (especially women) to learn how to walk with Jesus on a daily basis. You can find more writing over at www.becweber.com and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

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