We can know for certain God loves us and wants the very best for us.

Love is a distinguishing mark of Christians and something the Lord commanded us to do (John 13:34-35). Jesus said we should love others as God loves us—selflessly, sacrificially, with understanding and forgiveness. But how can we love others if we’re unsure of His love for us personally?

When we refer to “God’s love,” we’re talking about the unselfish giving of Himself to us, which brings about blessing in our lives—no matter how unlovable we might be. That says something about the Lord’s character. His love is not just an emotion, decision, or action—it’s who He is.

But how can we know for certain that He loves us?

1. He created the world for us.

One of the reasons I enjoy traveling out west is because I can go into the wilderness where I don’t see anything but what God created. He gave us oceans and beaches, mountains and snow, sunrises and sunsets, full moons and new moons, and beautiful plants and animals.

Now let’s stop for a moment to consider the awesome sight this world was just after God created it when it was completely untainted by man. We tend to forget how majestic Earth really is, especially when houses, tall buildings, cars, and pollution surround us at every turn. Sometimes spending a little time in nature is all we need to remind us of the Lord’s affection.

2. He chose us.

Jesus prayed, “Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world” (John 17:24). Scripture also teaches that God loved us before He ever created the earth (Eph. 1:4-5).

3. He died for us.

Jesus suffered the shame of the cross and willingly gave His life to ensure the forgiveness of our sins and eternity spent with Him.

4. He cares for us.

God continually watches over us, providing our needs. He protects us, guides us, and answers our prayers. Though He may not always work in the time frame we expect, if we’re faithful to wait on Him, He will always come through for us according to His will.

His Promise

God promises He will love us unconditionally—and will never leave or forsake us (Heb. 13:5). If God loved us only sometimes but not all the time, that would mean His character, feelings, or attitude are changeable. But our Lord never changes.

Neither is His love contingent upon us. Whether or not we go to church, tithe, witness, pray enough, and never sin, God’s affection is always the same. You can’t do anything to deserve it, and you can’t do anything to keep Him from loving you.

The apostle John tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8). This may be a difficult truth for our human minds to grasp. But love is the Lord’s very essence, and He is the source from which all true love flows. There are no restrictions, no limitations, and no exceptions. God’s care for us is absolute and genuine, and through creation, He has unmistakably declared that love (Rom. 1:20). But in His most powerful proclamation of all, He sent His Son to die for us, so that we could enjoy His loving presence for all eternity.

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